Our Shooting Floor setuo at Surya Graphics

We entered in to Digital Photography at its infancy stage itself,

with Nikon D70 and Canon 20D.

Excited by the enormous possiblity it offered for creativity,

our gadget possessions found it self ever increasing.

Now we proudly own the ultimate Nikon D850

and to support it, Nikon D750

with comfortable Lenses and Accessories.

Be it Events or Weddings, Commercial or Industrial Assignments

we provide the right tools to do justice to your assignments

for a desired kind of output.


Welcome to Surya Graphics

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

We all know that finding a wedding photographer is a step in the

wedding planning process that should not be taken lightly.

The wedding photographs will record for posterity this beautiful day,

so finding the right photographer is a must.

Each wedding is unique.

Our goal as your photographer is to document not just the

wedding events as they happen but the spirit of the day.

We tell a vivid story of your wedding day to be relived for years to come.

We personally retouch each photograph

and custom design all wedding album layouts

to ensure exceptional results.


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Candid photography is an often used and misused term nowadays.
Most of the high profile weddings have specialist candid photographers
in addition to the normal event photographers.
Candid wedding photography has come to the fore over the last few years, especially in India.
However, most people still have misgivings about the idea of candid photography.

In most of the weddings, you see candid photographs being taken by making the couple pose as if they are not posing!
Some people believe that candid photography is just about avoiding flash.
The idea of making people act as if they are not posing misses whole idea of candid photography as such.
Ideally, candid photographers should be invisible and be a part of the crowd.
They should let the people be themselves and get real shots without them being aware.
That’s how real candid shots are taken.
You need to be lucky to get really good candid shots as well. You can’t expect to get such good moments everywhere.
However, you need to have an eye for such moments and be ready to click when you spot one.


Lighting arrangements at our Shooting floor

Our 20 x 30 shooting floor with ample lighting equipment

happens to be the largest of this sort in Nagercoil.

Equipped with an array of backgrounds

and decorative add-ons make our shooting floor

perfect for

Family Portraits, Fashion Photography,

Bride/Groom Profile Photography

Our provisions for Fashion Photography

We do make ID Cards for Companies / Institutions



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May 2024